Hi I'm Jen Taylor....
and I'm a bit like an
I have my hands in a lot of different things.

Here's how I might be able to help you:

If you are looking for therapy, I am only taking new clients in-person, in Baltimore and through Jewish Community Services.
You can join the waiting list by calling JCS at 410-466-9200.

I provide play therapy training and journaling workshops locally and internationally.
I also host recorded training from play therapy leaders and plan live play therapy events and retreats.

I send out a weekly email with an inspiring story and a journal prompt to help you get your creative juices flowing. Follow my facebook page to get inspirational quotes and stories about turning the impossible into reality.
Need to Know More About Jen Taylor?
Right now, my focus is on three things:
1) mental health education and wellness programs that help people find joy through play at any age,
2) creating meaningful training for therapists and professionals;
3) designing and hosting creative, therapeutic projects for all people using the latest research on journaling, flowers and nature, storytelling, and whatever else catches my attention!