How to get 15 hours of FREE Play Therapy Training: And improve you work with childrenIf you are new to the mental health field or have recently started working with children, you might be

Putting words to a life-changing experience in Kenya: The Play Therapy Great Migration It's been over five months since the play therapy experience of a lifetime: The Play Therapy Great Migration in Nairobi, Kenya.  Many

How a gratitude journal improves your mental health: Plus my favorite Gratitude Journal AppKeeping a gratitude journal is probably the most recommended tool for entry-level journaling.  You will see the recommendation to "write 3 things

The Reading Habit I Regret Most: And why I plan to read fewer books in 2024As 2023 ended, I saw some posts on social media of people sharing how many books they read last year. 

 "Day 1"  or "one day" Resolution Thinking PatternsWell, here we are, January 1st, 2024.   Day 1 of this new year.  You might have guessed that I am the type of person that LOVES

THE SECRET TO SUCCESS IS A LOT OF BAD IDEAS  Plus: ways to start keeping a journal to practice generating more of themIn the book, Ideaflow, Jeremy Utley says that "every problem is an idea problem."His solution

Life is a journey full of unexpected twists and turns, often leading us into storms we never anticipated. These major life events, which  "Life Is in the Transitions," author  Bruce Feiler aptly coined as

Embrace your personality to crush your goalsLet me explain....The writer Elizabeth Gilbert has said that the world has two different types of people: Jackhammers and hummingbirds.  Jackhammers have a "thing" that they feel passionate

Even if you hate writing or think journaling doesn't work.Your memory sucks. Most of us are trying to keep track of so many ideas. And there are so many things going on in one

Learning how to start a journaling habit is easier than you think.With this habit, a notebook isnā€™t even required and it will take you less than 60 seconds each day to complete. Not only