A Star in my Jar: The magic of a digital gratitude Journal

How a gratitude journal improves your mental health: Plus my favorite Gratitude Journal AppKeeping a gratitude journal is probably the most recommended tool for entry-level journaling.  You will see

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How to upgrade your reading habits for 2024

The Reading Habit I Regret Most: And why I plan to read fewer books in 2024As 2023 ended, I saw some posts on social media of people sharing how

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What’s your New Year’s Personality? Plus: Tips for every type

 "Day 1"  or "one day" Resolution Thinking PatternsWell, here we are, January 1st, 2024.   Day 1 of this new year.  You might have guessed that I am

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How using this simple psychological hack can become your superpower

How using this simple psychological hack can become your superpower The Diderot Effect with habits is a game-changer!I received this super thoughtful message over the weekend.  It said "I

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The hardest thing to put into your weekly calendar can bring the most joy

The hardest thing to add into your calendar can bring the most JOY: Discover the magic ingredient for boosting creativity AND productivity It's an interesting situation that when we

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Dry January and Media Detoxes: Three surprising benefits to temporarily stopping a behavior

Reflections on Dry January: Three benefits to temporarily stopping a behaviorDry January? Why would you do that?  This is my third year participating in the Dry January challenge

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The Power of Groups: Why doing things with other people benefits you as an individual

The Power of Groups: Why doing things with other people benefits you as an individualWhatever your current problem is, I can promise with you 100% certainty that there

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The key to success with your new goals is your habits

The key to success with your new goals is your habits: 5 ways you sabotage success and what to do insteadWhen you are creating New Yearā€™s resolutions, starting a

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Is Your Toddler Picking Up Bad Habits At Day Care?

Day care is a necessary evil for most parents. Ā Truthfully, it can also be a lifesaver. Ā If you trust your day care provider, having another set of people

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