How do you measure success? The Benefits of Participation Trophies

How do you measure success?  A case for participation trophies and medalsAre you successful because you are crushing the competition?Or because you are doing something really hard and

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Dry January and Media Detoxes: Three surprising benefits to temporarily stopping a behavior

Reflections on Dry January: Three benefits to temporarily stopping a behaviorDry January? Why would you do that?  This is my third year participating in the Dry January challenge

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The Power of Groups: Why doing things with other people benefits you as an individual

The Power of Groups: Why doing things with other people benefits you as an individualWhatever your current problem is, I can promise with you 100% certainty that there

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The key to success with your new goals is your habits

The key to success with your new goals is your habits: 5 ways you sabotage success and what to do insteadWhen you are creating New Yearā€™s resolutions, starting a

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Help Your Child Set Goals

Are you trying to help your child set goals but unsure where to start? I often hear parents complain about the struggles with homework or getting children to

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