What’s your New Year’s Personality? Plus: Tips for every type

 "Day 1"  or "one day" Resolution Thinking PatternsWell, here we are, January 1st, 2024.   Day 1 of this new year.  You might have guessed that I am

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5 Reasons to Start A Journal

Even if you hate writing or think journaling doesn't work.Your memory sucks. Most of us are trying to keep track of so many ideas. And there are so

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Take your next walk with this simple prompt in mind…

Take your next walk with this simple prompt in mind...  How taking a mindful walk can change your dayIn this article, I'd like to share with you the experience

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How using this simple psychological hack can become your superpower

How using this simple psychological hack can become your superpower The Diderot Effect with habits is a game-changer!I received this super thoughtful message over the weekend.  It said "I

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The Joy of Order: How creating harmony in your physical environment can help reduce emotional stress

The Joy of Order  How creating harmony in your physical environment can help reduce emotional stressIn play therapy, thereā€™s an interesting behavior that sometimes confuses new therapists.  Imagine a child

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How do you measure success? The Benefits of Participation Trophies

How do you measure success?  A case for participation trophies and medalsAre you successful because you are crushing the competition?Or because you are doing something really hard and

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13 Reasonsā€¦.How to Use Lists in Your Journal (and why it works)

13 Reasons Why.... You should use lists in your journalAnd a few tips to make list-making feel easier!The are no "rules" in journaling, but if there was to

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Are you burned out? Try this unexpected form of self-care

Are you burned out? Try this unexpected form of self-careIt's July.  There are heat waves in a lot of places in the United States.  If you spend too much

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Boost your self-confidence with journal exercises inspired from the book: Professional Troublemaker by Luvvie Ajayi-Jones

Boost your self-confidence with this journal exercise from the book: Professional Troublemaker by Luvvie Ajayi-JonesYou might already be a fan of Luvvie Ajayi-Jones.  She has been around for

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How to use your Favorite Book to Inspire your next journal entry

Use your Favorite Book to Inspire your next Journal Entry:  how bibliomancy might spark insight and awarenessBibliomancy  (pronounced: bibĀ·liĀ·oĀ·manĀ·cy) is an ancient technique where you open a book, often a

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